Wednesday, 24 February 2010

How The Media Product Use The Coventions Of A Real Product

Happy Birthday Frames From Final Product

Q. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media prosucts.

1.                                                                                                                                                             2.

Medium shot- picture of mother and child law
motivated lighting,used for creating soft pale
shodows that blends well with mancholy felling
portayed by the image, this being exatly the
pupose of the photot to beging with. the fact that
an old black and white photo was used for reason,
the reson being that, in a way of symboliysam behind
it and indecatione that the past can hount the presents. 
The signification of this image's used in the Teaser 
trailer is, great as they portrayed a big part of the story 
we were trying to get accros in the fleating time of 1m10s.   
3.                                                                                                                                                             4.

Long shot - long deapth of feild, varity of light
ctrosting from the bright,bold, background lighting
to the lack of lighting in the foground, 
making saphie the focal point and centural
so as to keep intrest and add to dramatic effect. 
5.                                                                                                                                                             6.

The Significats of this law angeld medium close-up                       
shot,was used to creat as sence of suspence and          
dread that is anticipetid in every horor trailer, the     
moment when your at edge of your seat and               
you know somthing is going to happen yet are still      
supresied by the scene that pops up at you                  
This medium Long Shot was used
becouse of shdowed lighting's and effect that
it contained in the overall scene which
contes it genre and the low key motiveted
lighting that set's the creepy horrorfing

7.                                                                                                                                                             8.
Medium close-up, staring from floor and titlting up to
her face revealing her identaty bit by bit in a slow
and nerveraking way.the only moment in which you
get a compleate visuel of her that last
more than a second, in which she is mosinless
and not walking around. in the screenprint i
captured the teady bear in still form during
the till, becouse i fined it important in how it
used to misled you, as prop it self is mostly
used to convay inosenc and yet she is anything but
though, she may have been before she was killed.
Extreme Close-up shot of Saphie, with perfectly used motiveted lighting that's creating bold dramatic shadows emphasise her dark facial futers and expressions adds to the horrorfing charachter we were trying to portray in her aslo in a way hilighting the dark bruses in her face that once upon a time she used to be a victime to before the repressed monster inside was let luse. This was manly used as manner in which we could pull the aoudiance in the horrific world her character was portaying in the most profound and effective way possible.
Screenprints from existing horror trailer." Bloody Mary" and "Provenance"
A medium shot - high angel pan shot, tilting towaeds
the wepoen, this being part of the horor convents
as most of the time the victime is killed by a knife,
the colour desing in this aslo indacates the horror
genere with its drak dull and hunting colours.

Both Close-up's reveale that bit more to the onlooker
for example the weapon, the victime and the killer, the
first one portraying fear the other an up coming dread.

Medium shot - the use of props in this scene was
of vital importance, the creapy mangeld doll, being
dragged along the floor is very simmalry to the manner
in which Saphie held the tedy bear as she walked
throught coridores of the house. 
Convaying both inoscence and curruption.
A medium shot size screenshot on the left
has a long deapth of feild and motivatitet and artifical lighting
that is extrelmy simmalry to the manner in which it was,in
our screenshot number three, which contains within
it Saphie in the kitchen whith the only light source coming
from behind her hilghting her outer shape while, the shodows
coverd her face.
The Medium close-up in the right couner, was chosen
specificly by me as demonstration of not only the
 simalartys of which the were filmd but becouse, it shows
what i have noticed most in all horror trailer, and that is
that most of the time when the killer/moster is viewd the
first thing you see is his feet, arm, knife in hand or at rare
times his shodow, but never him complytly until later on.

The Medium over the shoulder shot of both the
would be killer and victime, most likey the final girl
is an example of what we used near the end of the
"Happy Birthday" tailer, where Saphie is standing
right behind the victime but she's obliviase to her
pressence. this is seen freaquently in horror trailers
where the unexpeted appearence makes you want to
shout "there behinde you".

The Close-up shot of the portrait is portrayed as
a key prop in this trailer, the reason being that it
seems to hold some connection to the killer and
means of destroying her by burning it, but than it
just rebuilds it self. Againg like in our an image prope
was used to convey the changes in timeline.


  1. This is a good effort Irina. Ideally you need to put stills from YOUR trailer next to similar stills from the real trailer. Also, please name the film or films the real trailer stills are from.

    Your spelling is inaccurate. Please have a go at correcting it, although since you do not have English as your first language it is not too bad.


  2. Another thing is that thye stills from your trailer are quite similar to each other - you don't need 3 of the photos and two of the teddy. Can you select some others which will give more variety to your analysis.
