Was used in this media unit as part of the reaserch i had to gather in preperation of making my on horror trailer by evaluating the existing of an actuale horror teaser trailers and their conventions as examplery for my own.
Adobe Photoshop CS4
For the manipulation of images and typography that i created in their use and particapation of my ancillary text, both my poster and movie magazine cover. Many of the selected manipulations used in Adobe Photoshop on my magazine cover and poster images were, the adjustments in Auto levels allowing some contrast within the shades of the image, Photo filter, brightness/contrast and turning it into back and white imagery. After having done all of the listed thing in that exact order I went into “Filter” and experimented with such effects as “DryBrush”, “Cut-out” and paint daubs. For other things in the creating of the magazine cover, like fonts and titles I used tools such as the Polygonal Lasso Tool, magic selection tool, Type tool and last but not least the foreground and background colouring tool.
The Nikon Camera with black and white film was used for the capturing of images that particapated in the making of my montage, moodbored, magazine and poster.
Used for the fiming of varius number of screenshots that were used for the making of our teaser trailer, varing form the angles in which the shots were taken to the close up's and tilts.
Final Cut Pro
After having transferd the film from the videocamera in the camera, Final Cut was used for the molding,cutting and eddeting and creating of our intertittle and transions of our Happy Birthday of our teaser trailer. Once all of the footage form the videotape was loaded into Final Cut Pro leaving most of the film to be divided into separate individual shot’s from the best scene’s that were captured from the filming, however once the shots were separated and named based on the story boards done at the start of the pre-planning during the preproduction on the final horror media product, the best and expertly constructed scenes were placed on the timeline in the according odder, with a minor adjustment or two concerning the planning of the media product. In doing so I would essentially pull the shot of my choosing from the listing on my left side and place it for viewing into the first window where I would estimate the amount of that particular shot that I would put into use and the part which would be put aside. Transition and fading in and out effects were In Final Cut Pro also continuously used, for many of filmed shots that were used were it for simple reason such as the induction to the passing of time in the story line, the text in the inter title’s, which I was not all that good at or the changes in movement within the shots as some of the had to be speed up according to the pace of the music and speed in which is expected to build the tension that is found present within every horror genera.
Incompaetech and the Creative Sound Websites
Were used as both reaserch and a way of creating a backround soundtrack that would inabeale it to be liked with both the scenes and genere of our teaser, the setting and biuld in the music had also to be accurate with speed and timeing of the teasers strucktuer.
You must EXPLAIN more about what you learnt, and YOU MUST talk about Blogger as the main way of recording and evaluating your work. What is good about it, and what not so good. Compare it to writing an essay etc.