Irina's A2 Media Blog

Monday 15 March 2010

What have you learnt from audience feedback?

The things that I have learned from the audience feedback, is peoples views and response to my main product, both as a teaser trailer and as a horror text. Though well liked and thought the product is a fairly well done, it was thought by many that miner adjustments were still need. Small things such as the last scene that maid the teaser product appear very week and flat, the fact that identifying with the characters was not optional and absence of dialogue that was felt did not allow the trailer to be all that it could have been. The responses to the rules of convention of a real media product, was reviewed to have developed, according to the feedback, the product had the right structure, build, timing and refrained from reveal to much and just enough to capture and hold the attention of the audience or horror fanatics that await to have a glimpse of the possible "final girl". Also the arrangement of the camera gave way to some interesting shots that played a hand in indicating abnormality and disturbance one expect to witness in trailer with a horror Genre with angled shots and shot size to indicate and identifier the dominate characters.

Along with Mise-en-scene and it's good use, the set, props, costumes and lighting and basically its content, for example the use of motivated light was thought to have worked beautifully- from within creating soft creepy dark shadows that emphasised the blood and horror in the scene, most especially during those black and white scenes at the start of the teaser that allowed the best compasstion of both visual and sound mixed with binary oppositions that allows one thing to become the other. However, thought the Narrative set up was thought to be, perfectly clear and precise, dramatic structures, broken subtitles and a website at the end of the trailer was definitely thought to have been a good and necessary step.

Friday 26 February 2010

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Was used in this media unit as part of the reaserch i had to gather in preperation of making my on horror trailer by evaluating the existing of an actuale horror teaser trailers and their conventions as examplery for my own.

Adobe Photoshop CS4
For the manipulation of images and typography that i created in their use and particapation of my ancillary text, both my poster and movie magazine cover. Many of the selected manipulations used in Adobe Photoshop on my magazine cover and poster images were, the adjustments in Auto levels allowing some contrast within the shades of the image, Photo filter, brightness/contrast and turning it into back and white imagery. After having done all of the listed thing in that exact order I went into “Filter” and experimented with such effects as “DryBrush”, “Cut-out” and paint daubs. For other things in the creating of the magazine cover, like fonts and titles I used tools such as the Polygonal Lasso Tool, magic selection tool, Type tool and last but not least the foreground and background colouring tool.

The Nikon Camera with black and white film was used for the capturing of images that particapated in the making of my montage, moodbored, magazine and poster.

Used for the fiming of varius number of screenshots that were used for the making of our teaser trailer, varing form the angles in which the shots were taken to the close up's and tilts.  

Final Cut Pro
After having transferd the film from the videocamera in the camera, Final Cut was used for the molding,cutting and eddeting and creating of our intertittle and transions of our Happy Birthday of our teaser trailer. Once all of the footage form the videotape was loaded into Final Cut Pro leaving most of the film to be divided into separate individual shot’s from the best scene’s that were captured from the filming, however once the shots were separated and named based on the story boards done at the start of the pre-planning during the preproduction on the final horror media product, the best and expertly constructed scenes were placed on the timeline in the according odder, with a minor adjustment or two concerning the planning of the media product. In doing so I would essentially pull the shot of my choosing from the listing on my left side and place it for viewing into the first window where I would estimate the amount of that particular shot that I would put into use and the part which would be put aside. Transition and fading in and out effects were In Final Cut Pro also continuously used, for many of filmed shots that were used were it for simple reason such as the induction to the passing of time in the story line, the text in the inter title’s, which I was not all that good at or the changes in movement within the shots as some of the had to be speed up according to the pace of the music and speed in which is expected to build the tension that is found present within every horror genera.

Incompaetech and the Creative Sound Websites
Were used as both reaserch and a way of creating a backround soundtrack that would inabeale it to be liked with both the scenes and genere of our teaser, the setting and biuld in the music had also to be accurate with speed and timeing of the teasers strucktuer.

Wednesday 24 February 2010

How The Media Product Use The Coventions Of A Real Product

Happy Birthday Frames From Final Product

Q. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media prosucts.

1.                                                                                                                                                             2.

Medium shot- picture of mother and child law
motivated lighting,used for creating soft pale
shodows that blends well with mancholy felling
portayed by the image, this being exatly the
pupose of the photot to beging with. the fact that
an old black and white photo was used for reason,
the reson being that, in a way of symboliysam behind
it and indecatione that the past can hount the presents. 
The signification of this image's used in the Teaser 
trailer is, great as they portrayed a big part of the story 
we were trying to get accros in the fleating time of 1m10s.   
3.                                                                                                                                                             4.

Long shot - long deapth of feild, varity of light
ctrosting from the bright,bold, background lighting
to the lack of lighting in the foground, 
making saphie the focal point and centural
so as to keep intrest and add to dramatic effect. 
5.                                                                                                                                                             6.

The Significats of this law angeld medium close-up                       
shot,was used to creat as sence of suspence and          
dread that is anticipetid in every horor trailer, the     
moment when your at edge of your seat and               
you know somthing is going to happen yet are still      
supresied by the scene that pops up at you                  
This medium Long Shot was used
becouse of shdowed lighting's and effect that
it contained in the overall scene which
contes it genre and the low key motiveted
lighting that set's the creepy horrorfing

7.                                                                                                                                                             8.
Medium close-up, staring from floor and titlting up to
her face revealing her identaty bit by bit in a slow
and nerveraking way.the only moment in which you
get a compleate visuel of her that last
more than a second, in which she is mosinless
and not walking around. in the screenprint i
captured the teady bear in still form during
the till, becouse i fined it important in how it
used to misled you, as prop it self is mostly
used to convay inosenc and yet she is anything but
though, she may have been before she was killed.
Extreme Close-up shot of Saphie, with perfectly used motiveted lighting that's creating bold dramatic shadows emphasise her dark facial futers and expressions adds to the horrorfing charachter we were trying to portray in her aslo in a way hilighting the dark bruses in her face that once upon a time she used to be a victime to before the repressed monster inside was let luse. This was manly used as manner in which we could pull the aoudiance in the horrific world her character was portaying in the most profound and effective way possible.
Screenprints from existing horror trailer." Bloody Mary" and "Provenance"
A medium shot - high angel pan shot, tilting towaeds
the wepoen, this being part of the horor convents
as most of the time the victime is killed by a knife,
the colour desing in this aslo indacates the horror
genere with its drak dull and hunting colours.

Both Close-up's reveale that bit more to the onlooker
for example the weapon, the victime and the killer, the
first one portraying fear the other an up coming dread.

Medium shot - the use of props in this scene was
of vital importance, the creapy mangeld doll, being
dragged along the floor is very simmalry to the manner
in which Saphie held the tedy bear as she walked
throught coridores of the house. 
Convaying both inoscence and curruption.
A medium shot size screenshot on the left
has a long deapth of feild and motivatitet and artifical lighting
that is extrelmy simmalry to the manner in which it was,in
our screenshot number three, which contains within
it Saphie in the kitchen whith the only light source coming
from behind her hilghting her outer shape while, the shodows
coverd her face.
The Medium close-up in the right couner, was chosen
specificly by me as demonstration of not only the
 simalartys of which the were filmd but becouse, it shows
what i have noticed most in all horror trailer, and that is
that most of the time when the killer/moster is viewd the
first thing you see is his feet, arm, knife in hand or at rare
times his shodow, but never him complytly until later on.

The Medium over the shoulder shot of both the
would be killer and victime, most likey the final girl
is an example of what we used near the end of the
"Happy Birthday" tailer, where Saphie is standing
right behind the victime but she's obliviase to her
pressence. this is seen freaquently in horror trailers
where the unexpeted appearence makes you want to
shout "there behinde you".

The Close-up shot of the portrait is portrayed as
a key prop in this trailer, the reason being that it
seems to hold some connection to the killer and
means of destroying her by burning it, but than it
just rebuilds it self. Againg like in our an image prope
was used to convey the changes in timeline.

Monday 22 February 2010

Main Product And Ancillary

Q.How Effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
A film poster is a product that has one pearpuse and perpuse only and that is to be used as advertisement for a film, and that is exactly what my dose advertises. A Movie Poster is constructed in several ways varying from film to film and regarding its genre, with varies shapes and sizes, be it square or rectangular, content and country of production of the poster. Most likely to contain an eye-catching image like the one or two I have in mine and some form of text, and this text usually contains the film title in big large lettering suiting it theme and often the names of the main actors. It may also include more often than not a tag line that gives a hint of induction to what you should expect, the name of the director, names of characters, the release date, stuff like that. Movie posters are displayed and are used as promotional packaging widely in and out of cinamas,newspapers and magazines, also elsewhere be it in phoneboths,in the street or in shops and mostly on websites, DVD and video-packaging, flyers. Many of the movie posters that I have looked at have used a plain image to which they would manipulate in lighting, exposure and development in a artistic interpretations of a scene or even the theme of the movie it self, represented in a number of different way's and attractive, most appealing styles possible. Movie posters are produced in a large number of sizes depending the advertisements teaser poster however is an early and even less informative promotional film poster, containing only a simple yet basic image without revealing too much information such as the plot, theme, and characters and yet still manages to pick your attention of this. The purpose of this is for us the audience to take the bait and get caught in the fish hook that pulls use towards the need to know more, curiosity of awareness and all that. A tagline may be included however even in a teaser poster, most of the time anyway depending weather it has been issued in advance before production.

In combination my main product and ancillary tasks being the magazine and poster as a whole promotional package I think is well composed and complementary to one another with my trailer and that of the work well together in that they all central around the main character of the story and are constucter in the manner in which suffitatly suits the horror genera and connects with the audience expectations on almost every level according to both the feedback and pre-research done at the begging of production planning, for the information on what people want and expect to see from a horror genera such as “Happy Birthday”, as packaging promotional product my poster, magazine cover and trailer all do there job in informing the audience of the story in which the product is based on, reviling as little as possible in the process so as to keep them interested and waiting fro the release of not only the product but also the individual timing of return for the monster, like in “Halloween” or 666.
The poster itself had certain points that need to be met in order to accomplish it it’s goal successfully, one of them being the meeting of conventions that is presented in all existing horror poster or you could just say poster in general that contain, for example a tagline that unforgettable and easily associated to the Final Product, an establishment of the theme in the Trailer and the subjective central character in the this case being “ Saphi ”. Though through out the trailer the character rarely ever engages with audience the central character dose and not just in the trailer but in the poster and magazine cover also where she is cripple staring straight at you and keeping at all time’s her eyes directly into yours giving a feeling as if she can see straight into your soul, being the subjective central character she is the only one of us that the audience is allowed connect with, even though the inter titles a done in third person, a lot like a nursery rimgh to go with the background music, that also keeps in pace with the transience the main character has from the magazine cover, then poster and finely trailer where you see just how truly and dangersly dark this little girl is and how what you see is just the tip of the iceberg with her an that there is a lot to come, building so much suspense fro the audience aging with such a little thing as the expression captured in a image adding to the phrase “a picture has a thousand meanings” depending on what your looking for.

Movie Magazine Cover

 For a Magazine publicity stills would be sent off, that concluded of the main or central character or characters in them and portrayed the genre and theme of the movie in the best way possible. After an attempt has been made to get the name of the movie on the T.V or Newspaper, word of mouth and all of that, in promotion of that publicity that concludes also of the trailer and Poster. marketing companies use poster to state when and where there product will be released and there ratting. Most of the image portray her as an emotionless, stone faced robot, her eyes though portray both pain and the monster with in which we looked at in the "return of the repressed", many manipulations were used in adobe Photoshop to get the image of both the poster and the magazine cover to fit with the horror genera of the movie such as, Multiply,color Doage, change in opacity, adjustments on levels curves and exposure, and then turned the whole image black and white, for both the magazine and the poster with just a small hint of colour that is both a small induction of the fact is not completely black and white and that it contains both the past and present horror of the story.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Happy Birthday Teaser Trailer


  My trailer "Happy Birthday" like most trailers is used as an film advertisements of a film that is supposed be in production or at least will be exhibited sometime very soon in the future in the cinema screens, this being reason why trailers are shown before the film even begins product and serves as promotional material for the up coming movie. A trailer is the main source of film promotion and also the most cost effective, because they are hand straight down to us, the audinace and anticapaters. They screen in theatres before movie showings. Generally telling the story of the movie in a highly social, extraordinarily condensed fashion with it's outmost maximum appeal in those short to two and half minutes to get us hopelessly hooked and leave us in suspense more often than not, this is after some editorial publicity. However Ours being at teaser meant that we have only the maximum of 1m to 1m30s with a number of limitations such as the revealing of the date of it's release and the produce of the product. My teaser length is approximately 1m11s with only the season as an indication as to when it is supposedly intent realise and a small number of short clips as another indication as to what it may based on.

Monday 7 December 2009

Results to Questioner

Nightmare Still

The Role of the Distributors

The primary agenda of the distributor is to convince the exhibitor to rent, or "book", each film. To this end the distributor usually arranges industry screenings for exhibitors, and uses other marketing techniques that will make the exhibitor believe they will profit financially by showing the film.

Once this is accomplished, the distributor then secures a written contract stipulating the amount of the gross ticket sales to be paid to the distributor (usually a percentage of the gross after first deducting a "floor", which is called a "house allowance" (also known as the "nut"), collect the amount due, audit the exhibitor's ticket sales as necessary to ensure the gross reported by the exhibitor is accurate, secure the distributor's share of these proceeds, and transmit the remainder to the production company (or to any other intermediary, such as a film release agent). Ordinarily there are standard blanket contracts between a distributor and an exhibitor that apply to all films subsequently booked, although on occasion some of the terms, such as the percentage of the gross to be paid by the exhibitor, may be varied with regard to a particular film.

The distributor must also ensure that enough film prints are struck to service all contracted exhibitors on the contract-based opening day, ensure their physical delivery to the theater by the opening day, monitor exhibitors to make sure the film is in fact shown in the particular theatre with the minimum number of seats and show times, and ensure the prints' return to the distributor's office or other storage resource also on the contract-based return date. In practical terms, this includes the physical production of film prints and their shipping around the world (a process that is beginning to be replaced by digital distribution) as well as the creation of posters, newspaper and magazine advertisements, television commercials, trailers, and other types of ads.

Furthermore, the distributor is responsible for ensuring a full line of film advertising material is available on each film which it believes will help the exhibitor attract the largest possible audience, create such advertising if it is not provided by the production company, and arrange for the physical delivery of the advertising items selected by the exhibitor at intervals prior to the opening day.

If the distributor is handling an imported or foreign-language film, it may also be responsible for securing dubbing or subtitling for the film, and securing censorship or other legal or organizational "approval" for the exhibition of the film in the country/territory in which it does business, prior to approaching the exhibitors for booking.

Friday 20 November 2009

Media Draft

Representation of women in horror movies

Most of the gender representation in horror movies is based in the ying and yang theory, where they believe that one needed the other to be a certain way to leave in harmony and some of this is still the structure in which men and women are compared to one another, for example the male character is the dominate powerful and active whereas the women is passive and submissive and yet is still looked upon as sexual object who is both desirable and seductive, which in this case how can she be both for it is exactly those things that give her power that a male would never obtain, if she can seduce then that leaves her with a great amount of control over the male character dose it not.

The representation of this women in horror movies is also based in the old belifies that women are not to contribute in sex before marriage, which is why most of the women in acceptation to the final girl, are murdered in a groused and most brutal way, mostly being that of suffocation, where the men in the movie are simply stabbed once. The women are stabbed repeatedly over and over aging even after they are dead. This leads me to believe that the male gazer enjoys this and the producer encourages such action to the fact that the techniques used in these particular scenes are heightened in angels, lighting and clarity.

The reason why women are constantly chosen to be the victim is also for that same reason, because of tradition and the following of the old ways. Yet that dose not stop some of us from wanting the women to be the huntress the villain behind the masks . Since the 70’s women portrayal has in no way changed though some have apparently tried to show them in a more positive lighting. I suppose that some would say this is because horror movies require a certain type of victims. But dose the women constantly have to be the victim and if so the why.

Through time the female character is shown in horror in different ways . some would say that as time passes the Women that once were weak are beginning to come into their own and show quit the amount of power and control , showing that they are just as strong as men and are not the sexual objects they were once perceived as in classic horror really to me this thing only seem to apply to the final girl and non of the other women in the movie. Where the woman are shown as simply an object of desire that needs to be saved by a male from the supernaturally strong Villain. Slasher films with women as villains are not often being made, but those that are show that the force and power of women in horror cannot be ignored. Although much progress is still needed with some films seeming to move back in time with women characters, instead of forward.

The Cinematic gaze it self according Laura Mulvey seem to be centred around masculine perception or some would say point of you. The camera follows the movement of a women as though it was a male and there for making you do the same to, leaving you only to relate to the male and at some point to the villain himself , blaming the women for his lack of control and current state of mind.

The male killer it seem in most horror movies, fears a sexually independent woman and this is shown through the killers act of murder and use of knife her death, it is said that when the male killer stabs the girl with his knife he is taking away her sexual power through the symbolic rape of her body. Thus making her once more the weak and submissive female figure that she started of as at the beagging of the movie .

House Of Fear-2008 Horror/Thriller film.
Genere- Is revealed to all the aoudince from the bigining of the first scene,the subbtitles and the title it self is an indicatione that this is a horror movie and also the the build in the well composed background music that flows effertly with that of the editting of the scenes. No voice over.
Name of the movie- House of fears
Production Values- Only indecates that it will be a "Coming Soon" pruduction and that it is a Black RCHID entertaimnet.
  • No Indication of
  1. Release Date
  2. Identification of Director
  3. Producer
  4. Actors or Editer
The Hitcher Teaser Trailer
Genre - Action/horror shown by the 'Voice Over' the manner in which the clips are constucted and editided along with the music that build with the pace of the movement within the scenen's that also contains the quit the build-up as the scene start to reveal the horror within the soon to be movie. There is haowever the mixture of dialog that contibuits a great amount to the emphasing of the genre.
Name Of Movie- The Hitcher, is revealed at the end of the teaser trailer with a simple coming soon and no menting of the date so might not have been that populer.
Pruduction Values- Shows that it is A Rouge Interpio Pictures product, however there is no mentioning of the Directer,Releasse date, or identification of the stars staring in the movie proving this to be a teaser as the is no furefillment of the some of the main Key Conventions that are expected in an actuel trailer. however there is the advetismentd of some special effects in the clips reveald within one of the teaser cilps.

The Transformers SCI-Fi/action trailer
Genre is made clear in the globe shot at the begining of the scene, Biuld-up of the music and hintting of subtittles.
-Realese date
-Mixture of Dialogue that is part of the movie itself
Director- Michael Bay
- and again the release date again at the end othe trailer.
- a numerass amount of special effects
Production Values such as the - identification of Stars staring in the Movie.
- Voice over
- No Verbul or writen introduction on Characters

The Return of the repressed.

The return of the repressed is an instinct, or memory that is deeply buried in the unconscious, that is constantly battling to resurface.
The impulse, to let this instinct free is utterly powerful that at some point in life it may go far beyond control and take over because of its urge to penetrate consciousness. Of coarse this only seems to happen when triggered by something a past memory or a resents event.
This is linked to a lot of horror movies as they are constantly show of monsters like werewolf’s and vampires constantly trying to repress the animal with in them there thirst to hunt for blood, to kill.

When looking for the centeral key convention within the Snow White trailer i found that it applied to all of them.
Genre is Indicated by - subtitels such as "The Fairy Tail Is Over" the building of the suspending music that you associate with in horrer films and the representation of the title writen in snow and blood indicating death.
Name- Snow White A Tale Of Terror
Production Values - Stars
  • Sigourney Weawer ( as Queen Cloadia)
  • Sam Niel (as King Hoffman/Father)
  • Monica Keena (as Lilliana Hoffman)
Director-Michael Cohn Producar - Tom Englemen Edited by - Ian Crafford

The Shining

When watching the acuring events in the shining, (a Horror movie made by Stanly Kubrick in the year 1980)to the Propp narative i noticed severual categoris like In Preperation: the leaving of a family Member, in this case jack who is equally both the victim(of the Hotel) and the Villen which as his past history suggest a loss of temper and his preacius job, is brought forth , and then there is the rule imposed by Halloran the chief upon Danny who is placed as the princess/hero in the prop narative, not to enter room '237', that fit perfacly well with propp narative. And then there is also the Complications that in every number of films in this case a conflict acours between wendy and jack as his wife wants to take there son to a hospital and jack acouses her of being a self centerd women who cares nothing for him and his futuer, the magical agent in transfernce where danny uses tonny the one that lives inside his mouth to contact halloren for help, who could be seen as donner considering that he was the one to provide them with the means of an escape. Here where the problem with the narrative lays, though the hero/finel girl did escape there is no Return or Recognition amoung other things that leave us with a lot of asumptions to be made from the beging,middle and end.

Friday 18 September 2009


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.